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Localization, or L10N, is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific locale. So in addition to translation, the localization process may also include adapting graphics to the target markets, modifying content layout to fit the translated text, converting to local currencies, using of proper formats for dates, addresses, and phone numbers, addressing local regulations and more.

The goal is to provide a product with the look and feel of having been created for the target mark to eliminate or minimize local sensitivities.

Your brand name and reputation can take years to develop, but can be damaged very quickly if your software doesn’t work or has been poorly translated. That’s why you need an experienced localization partner that will guide you through the complete localization process, and one that has the resources, qualified in-country linguistic talent, and engineering capabilities to ensure a cost-effective and high quality localized product.

We use industry-standard software localization tools such as SDL Passolo,Alchemy Catalyst and others.

The following steps are commonly included in a localization project:

  • Design for localization: before translation, localization engineers review source code to make sure that the functionality of your software will be preserved when localized.
  • Translate software text strings: translation professionals convert all text within the software into your target language.
  • Complete the build: engineers build the software with the localized text files.
  • Test: linguistic and functional testers rigorously test the localized software to make sure the quality of language, appearance, and functionality are top-notch.

Our collaborative approach to developing localization solutions ensures your software will do more than just work in another market. It’ll create a strong connection with the customers using it—wherever they may be.

Today's global market means that a software application can rarely succeed in only one language. However, the localization process can appear daunting, due to the vast and varied amount of data involved in such an application, plus the technical knowledge required to decipher it.

Our years of experience and Software Localization workflow gives your company an invaluable headstart.
  • File Preparation & Glossary Creation – Using localization tools, the important terms are extracted into a glossary or terminology list. The use of these glossaries by the translation team ensures consistency between the User Interface (UI), online support materials, and other documentation from the product suite.
  • Translation & Editing – a localization engineer identifies and extracts the product’s text contained in menus, dialog boxes, buttons, wizards, online help module, printed documentation, and packaging from the source files in order to initiate the translation and editing processes.
  • Dialog Box, Form & Menu Adaptation – Upon the completion of the translation and editing processes, the dialog boxes are tested in order to ensure issues resulting from the translated text expanding or contracting affecting the size of the UI components are rectified.
  • Desktop Publishing – Documentation including graphics, scripts, or other media containing visible text are formatted and linguistically proofed.
  • Compilation – Compilation and build of the localized files in preparation for testing.
  • QA Testing – Linguistic and functional quality assurance performed on target platforms.
  • Project Delivery – The completed files are delivered in any format you require.

We can even help you with simultaneous shipping (sim-ship) of English and localized products.

The mobile application marketplace is booming and research estimates the number of mobile users will grow exponentially, half of whom will come from Asia. English is no longer the native language of your average mobile phone user. And with 90% of activity on mobile devices occurring on apps, localizing for your worldwide users is a must.

But it’s not just about localization, it’s about experience: your consumer will expect an app that looks, feels, and works as if it were created specifically for them—leading to more downloads, more engagement, and more satisfaction.

Our services include:
  • Designing a UI that handles foreign character sets and right-to-left languages. Involving us during the design phase substantially reduces the problems you’ll find during localization.
  • Preparing your app for localization for any platform through code review (internationalization).
  • Optimizing your app for bandwidth or connectivity limitations in emerging markets.
  • Transcreation, or customizing content for each market. Text, images, and even concepts may need to be adapted or replaced so that your message is effective in each market.
  • Translation, including managing terminology and style to maintain your brand in new markets.
  • Testing on multiple devices for any mobile operating system, including functional, linguistic, and UX testing.
  • App Store Optimization (ASO)—promoting and optimizing your app’s presence in iTunes, Google Play, and more, so it gets the attention it deserves.

We can even help you with simultaneous shipping (sim-ship) of English and localized applications.

Having your App adapted by the dual processes localization and internationalization is almost essential – the question is who do you trust to do it? ILS offers exactly what our name suggests - Integrated Language Solutions.

Computer and video games make up a multi-billion dollar industry that reaches all across the world, and it is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, the Asian market is the fastest-growing sector in the world. No serious computer or video game can afford to ignore this market, but choosing the wrong company to localize your game can have serious consequences.

Our game localization process includes the following specialized services:
  • localization project management and planning
  • user interface localization
  • localization of user manuals and print materials
  • game script translations
  • graphics localization
  • voice-over recording
  • game testing and QA support
  • localization of game marketing collateral (website translations, banners etc.)

Did you know? You can reach 85% of global Internet users by translating your English content into just 9 languages. That means if your website content is in English only, you are ignoring global consumers and a massive opportunity to increase both revenue and market share.

We offer a full suite of international marketing services to support your company’s online presence abroad.
  • Translation and adaptation—in-country linguists translate your website in a linguistically and culturally appropriate way.
  • Multilingual SEO—activities such as keyword localization, incorporating top foreign language keywords based on researching your target markets, local competitors, and target country/region marketing strategy, technical SEO, on-page and off-page strategies, and content creation for searchability.
  • Translation of web apps—any software that is a part of your website (such as a purchasing interface) should also be localized.
  • Multimedia localization—translation and engineering of content such as banners, videos, and other interactive content.
  • Website internationalization—pre-localization engineering steps make sure that your website code is ready to handle other languages.
  • Cultural adaptation—pre-translation step to review and adjust colors, icons, and images to avoid negative connotations in each market.
  • Testing—functional testing ensures the localized site works just the same as the original. Linguistic testing checks the accuracy and consistency of the translations in context.
  • Multilingual website management—We can use your Web Content Management System (WCMS) to update pages, maintain content, and publish websites.

We are fluent in all leading CMS, database, e-commerce platforms and programming languages.

Integrated Language Solutions helps you deliver instruction and content to employees, end users, and customers around the globe. We have localized tens of thousands of hours of eLearning and assessment content into over 100 languages.

Our eLearning workflow, ensures correct translation and localization, seamless integration, and user-friendly deliverables that provide the same user experience as the source content.

  • Translation– Our expert linguists perform text translation of all training materials including slides, notes, and website content. Our 3-tier translation process ensures accuracy and consistency across all project components.

  • Multimedia Production – We prepare voiceover and subtitling for audio/video components and DTP services for documents and graphics.
  • Localization – Our team of localization experts review translated content, making sure that materials are culturally appropriate for the target audience.
  • Integration – Our project managers integrate all components including audio, video, and animation to function seamlessly and provide end users with the same experience as the original English content.
  • Turnkey Solution – ILS offers customized turnkey solution from localizing eLearning content in the source format (major eLearning authoring tools including Adobe Captivate, Articulate, Lectora, iSpring, Moodle, Docebo, and more) to exporting a SCORM package with the completed course to load on a Learning Management System Platform.
  • Rely on ILS to help you tell your story with greater impact, across more markets and locales.

Localizing for international markets helps you tap into global audiences without a need of physical stores. The staggering global shift to ecommerce in recent years has forced businesses of all types to reevaluate their ecommerce strategies. Consumers hold the power, and they demand a seamless, personalized customer experience (CX) tailored to their specific needs and preferences across multiple touchpoints.

The key to unlocking ecommerce success at a global scale is ensuring an outstanding global shopping experience, and that comes down to ecommerce localization.

Our Ecommerce localization service includes:

• Content localization

• User Interface(UI) localization

• User Experience(UX) localization—such as adapting product information, currency and units,payment methods, shipping options, functionalities, user journeys, and more

• Multilingual Customer Support — offering customer support in local languages

• Marketing localization – such as SEO, Blogs, Social media, and more

Are you ready to take your e-commerce business to new heights? ILS provides a collaborative environment where your localization team and our translators can work seamlessly together.

One of the strengths of ILS is our testing capabilities. We realize that the testing and quality assurance of any localization project is vital for its success and applicability.

Testing is the last step, but it needs to be considered at the beginning. Testing should start with the most problematic target language (for example: Polish for grammar, Chinese for character sets, Arabic for bi-directionality), since issues in these languages are likely to occur in others.

Our testing and quality assurance process ensures the best possible results:
  • Conduct Project Analysis, during which all goals, guidelines, and deliverables are defined
  • Create a Test Plan, which provides the roadmap for the entire project
  • Define all Test Cases
  • Identify and Train the Ideal QA Team
  • Set Up Test Environments
  • Set Up the Bug Workflow
  • Conduct Testing
  • Update Documentation and Translation Memories

From the initial consultation to the finished product, we apply the highest ILS standards to your project.

The project manager and their team will work efficiently and effectively to test, check, double-check and report on your application.

Please write to us at:[email protected] or call us at +91.9811093093 to find out more about how our expertise can match your localization requirements.