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Whatever it is that you need translated, from medical to financial, we have it covered. Our global network of experienced, qualified language translators are ready to translate virtually any document from and into any language.

Here are three reasons why you should choose Integrated Language Solutions for your translation assignment:
  • The translator that we assign will be a native speaker in the target language and experienced in the subject matter of your project. This ensures correct usage of grammar, sentence structure, idioms and cultural appropriateness, as well as correct translation of any technical terms and making sure your document has the appropriate tone.
  • Our efficient and rigorous four-step translation process guarantees that your assignment is carefully and professionally handled from start to finish. The Project Manager assigned to your project will supervise the translation throughout the process.
  • With our foreign language translation services your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you require any changes during or after the translation, we are more than happy to make them.

CAT Tools

ILS employs industry-leading CAT(Computer Assisted Translation) tools  which help in recycling previously translated content stored in TM(Translation Memory) to improve efficiency and turnaround time while lowering costs for our clients. CAT tools we use include Trados Studio, MemoQ Professional,MemSource Cloud and Wordfast.

We also offer cloud-based, online CAT tools that allows collaboration workspace to share translation memories, terminology databases(termbases) in real-time as the documents are being translated. In addition, we employ terminology management and glossary tools to build and manage client-specific glossaries—including abbreviations and branded terms for products/services.


Confidentiality is another key consideration. ILS translators sign confidentiality clauses to prevent any of your important information being leaked. In short, if you want a proficient, accurate and confidential translation of your medical, legal, financial, economic or business-related document, you need look no further than ILS.

Please click here to download comprehensive list of industries we cater to.

High quality translations can never be achieved by using machine translation. Integrated Language Solutions works only with qualified and trained translators. We employ translators, editors and proofreaders who are native speakers of the target language and who are qualified within specific areas of specialization, which allows us to pick the most appropriate translator for each project.

It is a specific guarantee that effective quality assurance procedures, working environment, division of responsibility and quality audits are provided at all levels of the company.

Our Areas of Specialization includes:

Art and Literary Translation

At ILS, we undertake the challenging task of bringing the authors from a great number of countries to new audiences. The translation of literature is undoubtedly one of the most challenging areas of translation. The translator must not only understand literary devices, such as metaphor, alliteration, and poetics but also have an exceptional command of their own language. Such exceptional language skills must be combined with creativity, imagination, and a literary style that is easily adapted to the writing style of the original author.

Medical & Life Science Translation

Few fields require as much specialized terminology and level of knowledge as medicine. Knowledge of both languages is simply not enough, a medical translator must have medical training and experience, as well as access to specific medical reference sources.

Whether your text is about clinical trials,a research report, medical equipment instruction manual, packaging label or any manner of document, we can translate it accurately and professionally from and to any language.

Legal & Patent Translation

Legal and Patent translations pose unique challenges, often due to the different legal systems in different countries. Therefore, a good legal translator must have a sound knowledge of the legal structure in the country of the target text as well as that of the source text. Another vital requirement is not simply knowledge of the terminology used in each language but choosing the appropriate terminology in each case.

That is why we use translators who specialize in legal documents, have legal backgrounds and understand the importance of what they are translating.

Finance & Insurance Translation

Finance is truly an international industry and requires translation of the highest standard. Our translators have experience with banking, insurance, trading, securities, investments and many other financial and business fields. We are well versed with the type of complex documents and unique expressions that are used in the financial world and the vital importance of attention to detail.

Engineering & Technical Translation

The term 'engineering' covers many disparate and wide-ranging disciplines, from software to electrical engineering and automotive to civil. Each of these fields has its own vocabulary and writing style and presents its own individual challenges to translators. We understand that the slightest error can result in difference in understanding.

At ILS, we employ leading engineering and technical translators in the world, people with both engineering/technical and translation qualifications who could also work on engineering drawings with an intimate understanding of what they are translating.

Marketing & PR Translation

Marketing & PR translation and adaptation is a complex, yet often underestimated field. While it consists of translating from one language to another, it also involves writing appealing and persuasive content that has an impact on the local audience.

We at ILS believe that, unlike general or technical translation, marketing translators need to be good writers first and foremost. It is no coincidence that the translation of sales, marketing and advertising materials is often referred to as adaptation. That is why the aim of our translators is to create powerful content that promotes a brand and truly engages the customer. Our team studies our customer’s brands and goals in order to create multilingual contents that have the same impact as the original Marketing and PR materials.

Scientific Translation

Managing scientific and technical documents is a difficult task. Scientific and technical documentation requires precision, accuracy, and consistency. Even the slightest change to operating instructions or units of scale can lead to disastrous results for customers and employees in foreign markets.

Scientific translation requires knowledge of the specific terminology, thorough documentation, as well as a precise, high-quality final product. Our translators have the experience and academic background necessary to take on the translation of scientific texts in the various specialized fields within the market. We offer translation of manuscripts, scientific research documents, research articles, protocols, laboratory tests, theses and papers, and much more.

Email and Chat Translation

More than seventy-percent of customers are more loyal to brands that provide customer support in their language. Provide multilingual support chat to create a significant impact on the success of your global service desk.

We personalize your customer’s experience by creating industry and company-specific glossaries so translations of product names, slogans and branding are correctly and quickly translated across all languages.

Streamlined support for: Support Tickets, In-bound Email Inquiries, Form Submissions, Discharge Instructions and On-the-fly Transmissions

Engage your customers as a native speaker and boost your CSAT scores with a multilingual customer support solution.

Certified translation services are required if you are submitting foreign-language documents to a court of law or regulatory agency. Official documents like birth certificates and college transcripts also require certification.

Integrated Language Solutions provides certified translation services by sworn translators for legal and official documents that must be submitted to courtrooms, government offices or regulatory bodies.

In India, certified translation means the translator and/or translation company has prepared a signed statement affirming that the translation was prepared by a skilled translator and is an accurate and complete rendering of the original document.

Some agencies, require that the certified translation include a brief statement on the translator’s qualifications. The certified translation may need to be notarized to confirm the identity of the person signing the statement. Essentially, the certification creates a legal record affirming that the translation was produced in good faith and according to professional translation standards and norms.

Whether you require official certification, a notarial certificate, an affidavit or a legalized translation, ILS has the expertise and experience to guarantee you a speedy, cost-effective and secure service.

Book translation is a unique field that requires both deep knowledge of the languages and the culture involved. It is not even translation but rather “rewriting” in another language or “re-authoring”. It can be poetry and plays, literary books, novels, and short stories, as well as comic strips, children’s books, biographies, eBooks and audiobooks, and many more.

Translating a book requires time for inspiration and investigation, as it is a special type of translation process, different from processes one may use for non-literary translation. It is a special zone that a translator needs to get into. Usually with not as much time pressure as with non-literary translation, and a book translator becomes an ambassador of the author, of their story and philosophy.

Book translation can be a daunting task, but we are here to make it simple and stress-free. Our team of publishing experts has helped independent authors across every genre to create, publish, and distribute their books to a global audience.

The demand for translation services is growing every year.

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is the next generation of machine translation technology. Systems built with neural networks produce more fluent translations than ever before, substantially boosting the level of Machine Translation(MT) quality and accuracy.

Neural MT is based on neural network technology, which is a high-powered approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

As opposed to traditional statistical MT methods, neural MT examines an entire sentence before suggesting the best possible translations. This new model provides translations that are more fluent and readable than ever before.

Machine translation is an important tool for lowering costs and accelerating turnaround times for companies that face extremely high volumes of text for translation. MT is often the best option for high volume projects, or for low-budget translations that will be used for reference only.

ILS also offers customized machine translations with the ideal combination of terminology glossaries, translation memory technology and post-editing by human linguists in situations where higher quality is needed, but time and budget is limited.

Machine translation gives you a lightning-fast way to switch from one language to another. MTPE helps in faster content turnaround, even with high-volume projects, significantly reducing costs compared to human translations. But it is not perfect — that is where post-editing comes in.

There is no substitute for the nuances that a trained human translator can bring to a project, especially a translator that understands your product, services, and audience.

The choice between full post-editing (FPE) and light post-editing (LPE) depends on the specific needs of the project, including the desired level of quality, time constraints, and budget.

If you are interested in using machine translation for your content, we are happy to discuss the levels of quality achievable through post-editing and determine the best-fit process for your needs.

Linguistic validation is recommended for Clinical Outcomes Assessments (COAs), such as Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs), Clinician Reported Outcomes (ClinROs) and Observer Reported Outcomes (ObsROs) and for Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaires. These are often called “instruments” and include instructions, items (also known as questions) and response categories or response choices to those items/questions.

It is a multi-stage translation process which involves ensuring that the translated version of the instrument accurately captures the intended meaning, is culturally appropriate, and is understandable to the target population.

It consists of forward translation, reconciliation, back- translation, translation accuracy validation and harmonization, and cognitive de-briefing to ensure the COA translations are linguistically accurate and culturally and conceptually equivalent to the source instrument so that trial sponsors can capture the patient’s response as accurately as possible.

ILS deploys a linguistic validation process that meets the requirements of ISPOR guidelines.

Translations at your finger tips!

Integrated Language Solutions offers innovative fully automated translation management workflow, delivering high-quality human translation when you need it, where you need it, and at a reasonable price.

Our 24/7 on-demand self-service cloud based platform allows you to upload files, select languages, and receive an instant quote. It can help you manage, review workflow, tasks, dates, track status against deadlines and more.

Upon quote approval, the text for translation is instantly sent to our pre-qualified translators with industry specific expertise. This enables them to immediately translate anytime and anywhere, from their mobile devices as well as desktop computers. You will receive notification upon completion to download the translated document.

On-Demand is a secure, one-stop web portal that enables users round-the-clock access to human linguists to complete a wide variety of translation jobs without additional administrative, sales or technical support.

While On-Demand Translation will deliver professional human translations quickly and efficiently – far more so than a machine – this service is specifically designed for dynamic, non-complex content. Ideal solution for short and dynamic content, such as social media, blogs, articles and internal communication.

Integrated translation memories makes you pay only once for same translation. You only have to pay for what is translated.

Simplified payments not only help you make payment at the click of the button but also keep track of purchase orders, total expenditure and more through the secure, one-stop web portal.

For more information or a quote regarding our translation services, please write to us at: [email protected] or call us at +91.9811093093.